ICRC's Central Tracing Agency Bureau

This is a secure platform. This ICRC form is the only official form to be filled by families looking for their missing loved ones in relation to the international armed conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

The ICRC Central Tracing Agency (CTA) Bureau for the International Armed Conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine was activated in March 2022 to prevent disappearances and alleviate the suffering of families who remain without news of their loved ones due to the conflict, either because they have fallen in the hands of the enemy, have been killed or because they fled their homes and have lost contact.

Acting as a neutral intermediary between the parties to the conflict, the ICRC CTA Bureau collects, centralizes and transmits information on the fate and whereabouts of military personnel and civilians who have gone missing or have been separated from their families. It strives to ensure they are accounted for and retain family links.

Based in Geneva, the CTA Bureau works closely with Red Cross and Red Crescent partners around the world to support families looking for news about their missing or separated relatives. It will remain active for as long as needed to provide families with information about their loved ones.

To start a preliminary assessment of your request, the ICRC CTA Bureau needs to collect the minimum set of personal data marked with (*) in this contact form. Please note that this information is absolutely needed to initiate the search for your relative.

The ICRC will only use the information provided for activities aiming at clarifying the fate and whereabouts of your missing relative, which is part of ICRC’s work. Your data will be stored in a secure database.

If you are residing outside Ukraine or Russia, the ICRC will share the personal data related to your enquiry with the ICRC office or with the office of the Red Cross / Red Crescent society in the country in which you reside. You will be contacted by them to follow-up on your request. At this stage, should you not wish to request further support from the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to search for your relative, a tracing case will not be opened and, upon your request, your data deleted.

If you chose to open a Tracing request, our ICRC colleagues/Red Cross or Red Crescent partners will explain how your personal data will be used. At this point you will be able to indicate if you have any objection to the transfer of personal data to external parties, namely those that would be in a position to provide information on the fate of your missing relative, and to which extent.

You have the right to ask ICRC/Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies to provide you with information on the processing of your data and obtain access to your personal data. It is important that you inform us of any error, as accurate and complete data are essential to properly pursue the conduct of the search. We will handle your request within the framework of the applicable data protection rules. Besides, note that requesting the deletion of or objecting to the processing of the required minimum set of personal data would prevent the ICRC from helping you to find your missing relative.

For further information about your rights as per the ICRC Data Protection Rules The ICRC and Data Protection | International Committee of the Red Cross and ICRC Restoring Family Links code of conduct on data protection | ICRC, please feel free to contact the ICRC Data Protection Office (DPO) at the following email address : dpo@icrc.org